A Blog for Dallas Area Catholics

A commenter some weeks ago offered to send me a report prepared by the organization Mary’s Advocates on the matters of the Church’s current handling of divorce, separation, and annulment. I had seen a bit of material from Mary’s Advocates before, and knew they approached these subjects from an orthodox Catholic perspective.  I received the report several weeks ago, and I would like to thank Mary’s Advocates for sending it.  It is a really valuable resource.  Unfortunately, it’s much too detailed and informative to cover in a blog post, but if you are interested, you can see it all online here.

Mary’s Advocates is a group of Catholics dedicated to defending both the sanctity of the Sacrament of Marriage as well as the rights of married people confronted with a spouse seeking separation, divorce, and/or annulment.  I think it fair to say that Mary’s Advocates sees great problems and gross…

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